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How to get the most out of 2018

I don't know about you, but 2017 was a terrible year for me! Between a ridiculous varsity life, trying to make cash on the side, and having a rollercoaster of a mental health year, I am so ready to let 2017 go. There is no reason that we can't both have an incredible 2018, so here are some things that I am using, putting in place and practicing to build my mental health, feel good about myself and my body, and keep stressors away.

1. Start a Bullet Journal
For people, like me, who love to journal but never stick to it, this is a great way to jot down thoughts, make tracking lists and keep a diary...all in one. I know the concept of a bullet journal isn't very new, but I only started doing one a few weeks ago and it's actually incredible how good and grounded I feel. It really allows you to maintain a positive outlook by tracking things you love, and helping you target things you want to improve. Here are a few ideas to add to your journal:
  • Mood trackers
  • Food journals
  • Weight-loss tracker
  • Exercise tracker
  • Diary
  • Admin organizer
  • Books to read/movies to watch
You don't have to be creative! Your journal is about you and no one else ever has to see it. But if you are a creative, go wild! It's an amazing way to showcase your talents to yourself and do something to be proud of.
For more ideas you can visit my Pinterest board Here
For ideas on how to start, this website is incredibly helpful

2. Be kinder on yourself
You were not made to strategically handle 70 situations at once and stay cool about it. Chances are that 97% of everyone reading this is overworked in some way. It is so incredibly important to take time out for yourself. I usually have a day at least once a week where I read, do my nails, tan...anything that relaxes me and takes my mind off of stressors. If you have anxiety like I do, you will understand the importance of switching off your mind, not just relaxing. See, for us it is near impossible to fully relax. But these once-a-week days for yourself is absolutely a must to focus your mind back onto yourself and remember that under all that workload is a person you need to take care of!

3. Goals, goals, goals
I know you probably did a tiny eye-roll there, but it is statistically proven that people who make goals are likely to become more successful and satisfied. I am super ambitious so making these goals is very easy for me...sticking to them is a different story. I recently employed some incentive strategies to help keep myself WANTING to achieve these goals. And it genuinely works! Set small incentives along the way for yourself so that you are consistently rewarded for your hard work. And don't give up! Results don't show overnight. Be patient, and the most incredible things will come out of your hard work and dedication.

4. Positive mind = happy heart
I struggle with this one. I am my own worst enemy! I will be the first one to tell myself that I look fat, I'm ugly, I'm not petite like other girls...The truth is that the bad things we see in ourselves are usually the things other people don't even notice. Try to think positive thoughts about yourself this new year. It's not easy, but somehow it's amazing for your self-esteem and mindset. I find that when I build myself up, I become happier, more determined and focused. And I don't mean vanity! There is a difference between vanity and self-love! Just focus on being comfortable and happy with who you are! You are incredible already.

5. The truth about you
All of the above is very important and it has helped me a lot. But a huge part of being happy and accepting yourself is just that: accepting yourself. There is nothing wrong with trying to lose weight, but don't do it because you hate your body! do it because you love how you look and want to be healthier. Loving who you are NOW is probably the most important step of become a happier person. The truth is, you are amazing, beautiful, strong, brave and sexy NOW. You don't need a scale, partner or tape measure to tell you that. Tell yourself that! You are amazing! I can't repeat it enough.

Find a strategy for 2018 that will help you focus on YOU. Take that decision with me today. 2018 will be an awesome year. You deserve it. So look at 2018 in the face and be excited for what is to come. No fear. No anxiety. No sadness. EXCITEMENT. I am so keen to see what everyone's 2018 will turn out to be!

If you have any strategies or plans for 2018, share them in the comments or on my Facebook page here.

Happy almost 2018!!!



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