Why me? Everyone else seems so happy, like they have it all together. So why must I be different..Why me?
I've asked this too many times to count. I didn't do anything, so why should I be punished? I felt like there was something wrong with me...that I was weak and worthless. That I had no strength or will to live through it.
But I wasn't being punished, I was being prepared. Looking back, if I hadn't gone through what I did, and still am, I wouldn't be the person I am today. And I'm damn proud of her because I fought hard to be her! Don't see your circumstances as punishment. It is tough to look at a happy side to pain, but imagine what you will be capable of in the future. I've had the tremendous privilege to sit down with people and help them through their battles, something I wouldn't be able to do without my 'disorders'. I wouldn't be able to write this without them!
When you are feeling worthless, punished and forgotten, try to think of the future you. Think of what he/she will be able to accomplish because you fought for him/her. Don't give up on the future you. You are shaping them now.
Just to be clear, though, these things you are going through aren't from God! But he will create beauty from the pain, if you allow him.
Look to the future and fight for it! It will be so worth it!
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