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Break the Mold

It's easy to become what others say you are: that you are not good at what you do. That you are not worth being around. That you have made too many mistakes to be a good person. That you have failed too many times to be a success...They put you in a mold, and bending to shape is too easy.

I used to drown in these thoughts. The lies that others tell you to put you down, so that they can lift themselves up. Trying to make you forget your worth. People can be cruel. It's so easy for others to make someone feel like they aren't worth anything. They create a mold around that person, and they just slip right into their shape. What's difficult is acknowledging the lies, standing your ground, and being strong through it all. Difficult as this is, it's also critical to valuing yourself. Don't accept the mold others put you in. Be strong and different enough to simply not fit.

Why is it so easy to accept lies and reject the truth? When someone used to compliment me, a million questions came up: are they being sarcastic? Are they laughing at me in secret? Am I worth complimenting?
Why can't we fit into good molds? We keep opening ourselves up to negative lies, and closing ourselves to positive truths. We shouldn't be so hard on ourselves...

Let me put it this way: if someone told you an obvious lie, like the sky is black today, would you instantly believe them and run outside to look? I hope not. So why believe obvious lies about yourself? God created you perfectly. You aren't a mistake. He says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. That there is no flaw in you...So, why believe others over Him? You are who you were meant to be. If others don't see that, they are misguided and blind. Stop trusting liers to tell you who you are! Tell THEM who you are! Define yourself and stand boldly in your own mold. No one can tell you who you should be.

Break their molds today. Choose to love yourself through the imperfections, trust God's words for you, and live fearlessly and with strength.

Define yourself...



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