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Behind the mask

We all wear masks, whether we admit it or not. Masks of shame, pain, fear, embarrassment...the list is endless. Masks are powerful concealers and dangerous friends. We get so comfortable behind them, it feels impossible to take them off, no matter who we are with. They turn us into things we consider beautiful and make us feel empowered. But they are not the real us, they are designed to manipulate and deceive others. And after a while, they deceive us, too.

But behind your mask is a warrior. Someone who fearlessly walks with scars as weapons slung on his/her back. There is a king and queen, with the power to control his/her enemies which are in the mind. There is a child. Someone who loves adventure and daringly seeks out a new one every day. There is an inspiration and story of willpower and strength. There is a griffin, with fearless power and dangerous strength...

There is you.

I challenge you not to live behind your mask, but without it. To be yourself because you are good enough. To walk without fear of what others will think. To be vulnerable in front of the people you trust. To be brave in front of the people you don't. To smile because you can. To laugh without care. To sing, even if you can't hold a tune. To pray, even if you feel weak.
Only you hold the power to reveal the real you. So why not show them who you are. Take off the mask, you are more beautiful without it!



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