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Waiting For a Hero

Have you ever felt like your stuck, or in a ditch? You've tried to claw your way out, but you keep falling back in. You're waiting or someone to grab your hand and pull you out, or hand you a ladder to make your climb out easier. You're waiting for someone to save you.

I've been here so many times. Stuck, alone and afraid. Waiting for a hero to save me. Sometimes I feel like I live in this ditch, but that no one is coming to help. And I know that so many people reading this are in that place right now. That you're worried you're not strong enough. That the climb is too high. The time is too little or the troubles too great.

Truth is, there will be bad days. There will be times your ditch seems deeper, your fall greater or your climb more difficult. There will be tears and screams, anger and confusion...but there will also be good days. Days where your ditch isn't so deep, and the climb not so challenging. BUT, the difficult climbs are revealing something I promise you havnt seen. See, your hero is closer than you think.

It is at your most difficult times when your hero is revealed. The person that is strong no matter what. The person who picks you up when you've fallen. The person who will accept your failures and love your scars. The one person who can save you. The one who reminds you how to be happy...

...And it is so beautiful and amazing that this person has been you all along. Because no one is stronger than you. No one is braver. Bruised maybe, but not broken. Afraid, but not defeated. Hero's aren't perfect, but their imperfections result in greatness.
No one else can save you. No one can make you truly happy. Your happiness, excitement, confidence and beauty come from you. And you already have all the power you need to be your hero. You've been waiting for someone strong, but your strength was actually building. Waiting for a helping hand, but your hands have been hardening for the climb. Waiting for a hero...When he/she has been there all along.

You are a hero! You are your own hero. Only you can save you. Believe in your power.

No matter how deep your ditch, keep climbing. The greatest hero's emerge from difficulties. You are a hero in waiting. A warrior and fighter. Braver than you think and stronger than you know. So don't wait for your hero...You are already your hero. Just open your eyes, take a breathe, and believe it. Then, you will be unstoppable.

And just in case you don't yet know, you are worth saving. Don't give up. The most important battle to win is your own. Good news is that every day you wake up, you're winning. So keep winning. Keep fighting. It gets better!



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