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Where do you find your identity? If someone had to ask you to describe yourself, what would you say? Is your identity in your looks? Your work? Your family?

For a very long time I put my identity in my achievements. In my marks. I felt that I wasn't good enough to be identified with anything else, because there was nothing else I excelled in. I was my achievements. And if I didn't achieve, I would completely break. I'd feel worthless, like I didn't try hard enough or simply didn't deserve anything.

It's very dangerous and draining placing your identity in something other than yourself and who God made you to be. You were crafted and designed by someone who took the time to design you the way you are, with all your quirks and interests. Don't identify yourself with something that will let you down. My marks let me down sometimes and I felt broken and forgotten. As if people wouldn't like me unless I had something to show for myself. But once I put my identity in myself and God, someone who will never let me down, I became happier, more accepting of my mistakes, and more confident than ever!

Defining yourself based on who you are, instead of what you can or cannot do, your body type, or faults, is so important to becoming a fulfilled and confident person. You are enough. You don't need to find something to identify with...identify with yourself. Never, never put yourself down or think of yourself as less important than your achievements! Whether you achieve or not, are skinny or have more to love, are healthy or not, you are ALREADY good enough to put your identity in! Identify yourself with your laugh, your smile, your personality, your interests, likes and dislikes, style...identify yourself with what you already are. And you already are a beautiful and strong person.

Be yourself and identify with that person. You are good enough!



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