In order for a wound to heal, you need to stop touching it...
I have many wounds. More than I can count. Wounds of past mistakes, self harm, broken friendships, hatred...that's the worst one for me. HATRED. Hatred of myself to the point where I couldn't physically get up in the morning for fear of what others saw. I hated my being a slave to my mind, constantly thinking up new ways to hate, hurt, die. I hated my body, how it was never good enough or up to standard. I hated life. I hated me...
I still have mornings where I stumble out of bed. Where I cringe when I look in the mirror. But my perspective has changed. Those wounds are healing, because I have decided not to touch them anymore. I have forgiven myself. I have come to terms with my life, and live it happily and healthily in ways I once didn't think were possible. I am not perfect, I never will be, and that fills me with the greatest joy. From my imperfections, strength can grow. I can fight stronger battles, get excited about mediocre things, and love the simplest things in life. When you stare death in the face, your perspective changes..
Everyone has wounds they need to forgive, whether they are pricks or gnashes. To truly love and accept yourself, you need to forgive yourself, your imperfections, and those who have caused you harm. Forgive without anger, and your life will change. It's not as simple as it sounds, it's a process. But a journey worth taking!
Leave your wounds alone, forgive yourself, forgive others, and love your life and yourself. You are worth the effort! You are worth it NOW. Not in a week when you achieve something. Not in a month or a year when you are out f the dark. NOW. Make the effort NOW. You are worth more than you will ever know, and you are worth it NOW.
Much love
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