I am not here to hide. In fact, I'm done hiding. It's exhausting. I am here to be honest, to be sincere, and to be a voice.
5 years ago I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety. It felt like I was drowning, like everything and everyone was against me...that I wasn't good enough to even live or breathe. I didn't have the strength. If it wasn't for Jesus, the only strength and hope I had left, I would not be here today. He was, is, and always will be my light.
A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with Dermatophagia. It is not a well known disorder, although many people suffer from it. At first I was ashamed, I felt that I had to hide and fear myself. Like I was a monster..
But I'm not. I'm not perfect, but that's ok. I may be on the road to recovery, and there are days that I feel like all hope is lost, but I am strong. I'm a fighter. Everyone is. There is a warrior inside everyone, no matter your gender, age, circumstances or mental or physical health.
That is what I am writing about, fighters. I am not a psychologist, and I don't pretend to be one. I'm just someone who understands, who is fighting the fight, and who wants to help you win yours.
You are never alone. You are strong, beautiful, powerful and brave. Your scars are not signs of weakness, but rather proof of strength and survival.
Trust Jesus and put your faith in Him, even when it's difficult. He has never left you, and He never will! He is standing with open arms. He won't let you fall.
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