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Beautiful Diversity

I am not the world's definition of beautiful. I have big thighs, a double chin, large legs which are out of proportion, a tummy and hair which is frizzy beyond belief. I am not what you see in magazines or on TV. I am not petite or small. I am not society's model....but I am not ashamed. 
See, society changes their minds a lot! One day, it's sexy to be skinny. The next, curves are the new infatuation. One can't keep up. However, one thing they succeed in every time is making girls feel inferior. And we fall for it..

What if we just didn't listen. What if we dictated what was beautiful instead of letting others tell us. What if we were confident regardless. We have to stop comparing ourselves to the ridiculous expectations presented to us. We have to stop comparing ourselves to the girl sitting beside us. We need to start defining our own beauty. Set your own standards! Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can have. 

Do not let society fool you. You are beautiful regardless of weight, skin color, circumstances, hair, relationship status or age. Life would suck if we all looked the same. God knew what He was doing when He made you..and He doesn't make mistakes. 

Embrace your diversity and uniqueness. That's what makes you beautiful.

Short, sweet and simple reminder for the day



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