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Showing posts from January, 2018

Taking charge of your everyday anxiety like a pro

Anxiety is something that affects many, many people. Statistics show that it is the most common disorder in the world, but that many people do not know how to handle it. If you have anxiety, as I do, then you will know how difficult it is to live with daily. A lot of people I speak to think that anxiety is just something that affects us when disaster strikes, and that is the furthest from the truth. Many days, I am anxious for absolutely no reason, and it's the most frustrating thing in the world for me! The thought that I can't have a normal day because I'm sickeningly anxious about...nothing. Recently, though, I have adopted a few methods which I use to cope with everyday anxiety, especially now going back into work/school/varsity. It's somewhat easier to cope with anxiety when everyday stressors aren't there, but how do you continue coping when the year goes back to normal? As painful as anxiety is to live with, I have found that it is somewhat manageable. He...

Turning self harm into self love

I have suffered many scars in the course of 7 years; mental scars, emotional scars, and physical scars. I see my scars and experiences as pieces of progress and character, but I didn't always feel this way. For a long time I tried to hide the pained side of me, and it's much easier to hide the invisible scars than the visible ones. The scars from my self harm are far more visible than my emotional scars. Today I want to encourage you by sharing how I turned my self harm into self love and learned to accept every part of myself, good or bad. Why do people self harm? This is different for everyone! I did it because it made me feel something. My disorders made me numb - my cuts made me feel. However, this feeling of 'feeling something' doesn't last. Self harm does more harm than good. The reasoning behind the self-inflicted pain is different for everyone, but I can guarantee that the results never live up to expectation! After time, they just add more pain and sham...